It’s also a good idea to keep your list on hand even after you’ve chosen your favorite, so you have some backups if the name you like most is already taken. You usually can’t use special characters in your name, so be sure your name ideas are only made from letters or a combination of letters and numbers. Scrutinize the whole list and grab one by your choice. Therefore, to make the task easy for the players, we have included some tryhard, sweaty, cool, funny, good, and OG names for Fortnite players.

Names can be funny, engaging, catchy, or cool but shouldn’t be offensive or vulgar. Get your sweaty Fortnite clan names from the name generator above, or see our favorites below Crazy Rocketriders. While choosing one, they need to ensure that it is not a turnoff. Gather a list of options and write out their acronyms to decide which options you like best. Fortnite is still a very popular game after its release in 2017. You can even get inspiration from your clan members, such as using the first letters of the cities you are from or your last names. You can also look for song titles, movie titles, and more with that number of words. Some good sweaty tryhard names include PhantomACE, DrDisRespect, Ninja, TwitchPlaysPokemon, summrsxo, and C9Mango. Try searching the web for phrases with a certain number of words - for example, if you want a three-letter name, look up “three-word phrases.” In Fortnite, you want a tryhard name that will make you stand out from the crowd. Once you know how long you want your name to be, you can begin brainstorming.

You might want to look into whether there are any specific naming rules for the particular game you’re playing (such as a character limit) if you aren’t already familiar.

Do you want to use a complete word, a phrase, or an acronym? The first step in creating your clan name will be choosing how many letters you want to include.